Showing Names: 571 - 580 of 1732
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Additional filters:
- Type
- Person 958
- Organization 769
- Family 4
- Software 1
- Subject
- United States 19
- Chemists 13
- Chemistry 11
- College teachers 6
- New York (N.Y.) 5
- Scientists 5
- Education, Higher 4
- London (England) 4
- Physicists 4
- Authors 3
- Mathematicians 3
- Nebraska 3
- Philadelphia (Pa.) 3
- Presidents 3
- Atlanta (Ga.) 2
- Baltimore (Md.) 2
- Biochemistry 2
- Chemical industry 2
- Governors 2
- Inventors 2
- Kyoto (Japan) 2
- Lincoln (Neb.) 2
- Los Angeles (Calif.) 2
- Physics 2
- Science 2
- Scientific apparatus and instruments 2
- Theologians 2
- Washington (D.C.) 2
- Aachen (Germany) 1
- Actors 1
- African Americans--Civil rights 1
- Agriculture 1
- Agriculturists 1
- Alicante (Spain) 1
- Alkali industry and trade 1
- Allentown (Pa.) 1
- Amherst (Mass.) 1
- Athlete 1
- Bainbridge (Ga.) 1
- Basel (Switzerland) 1
- Bel Air (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1
- Bergamo (Italy) 1
- Berkeley (Calif.) 1
- Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) 1
- Budapest (Hungary) 1
- Burlington (Vt.) 1
- Business -- Development 1
- Businessmen 1
- Cambridge (England) 1
- Cambridge (Mass.) 1
- Ceramic industries 1
- Chemical engineering 1
- Chemical engineers 1
- Chemist 1
- Chemistry -- Study and teaching 1
- Chemistry teachers 1
- Chemistry, Inorganic 1
- Chicago (Ill.) 1
- Civil rights workers 1
- Clinical chemistry 1
- College presidents 1
- Columbus (Ohio) 1
- Computer software industry 1
- Conservationists 1
- Consortia 1
- Consultants 1
- DNA 1
- Denmark 1
- Denver, Colo. 1
- Des Moines (Iowa) 1
- Diamond (Mo.) 1
- Diffusion Monte Carlo method 1
- Dyes and dyeing 1
- Ecology 1
- Educators 1
- Engineering 1
- Engineering schools 1
- Engines 1
- England 1
- Entertainer 1
- Entrepreneurship 1
- Explosives industry 1
- Finance 1
- Flavor 1
- Fort Worth (Tex.) 1
- Frontiersman 1
- Geneva, N.Y. 1
- Geology 1
- Georgia 1
- Germany 1
- Glass manufacture 1
- Great Britain 1
- Greenwood County (S.C.) 1
- Holding companies 1
- Homemakers 1
- Hyde Park (Dutchess County, N.Y.) 1
- Imperia (Italy) 1
- Iowa 1
- Italy 1
- Kansas City (Mo.) 1 + ∧ less
- Repository
- Science History Institute Archives 1718
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