Showing Collections: 421 - 430 of 667
Photographs from the Records of the Commercial Solvent Corporation
Print photographs and scrapbook pages documenting the Commercial Solvents Corporation's nitroparaffin plant, explosions, tests for shipping nitromethane, and portraits of CSC employee Richard S. Egly.
Photographs from the Records of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Print photographs documenting the officers and activities of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) between 1925 and 1995.
Physical constants of the principal hydrocarbon compendium
It is the too common experience that the data desired immediately on a particular hydrocarbon are never to be found in the handbooks available in most laboratories, and for that matter, a considerable portion of the information is not cited in Beilstein's Handbuch der organischen Chemie, or at most literature references are given but not the desired values themselves. This compendium was meant to address this issue. It includes an explanatory forward by M. P. Doss.
Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy Postal Covers Collection
A collection of postal covers commemorating the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy.
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Symposium programs
This collection is a set of programs to symposia sponsored by the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. The series is complete as it stands, although it probably does not represent all of the symposia sponsored by the Polytechnic Institute.
Proceedings of the First National Air Pollution Symposium
One second printing of the Proceedings of the First National Air Pollution Symposium, published in November 1951.
Publications relating to Union Carbide Corporation
Three bound publications regarding Union Carbide collected by Peter H. Spitz. Titles include "Informal Personal Observations on the History of the Carbide and Carbon Chemical Corporation" (1937)"A Brief History of Chemistry in the Kanawha Valley" (1977), and "A Marketing Revolution Early Sales Efforts of the Union Carbide Corporation" (circa 1960).
Quantitative Chemical Analysis notes taken by Frederick Edwin Atwood
This notebook contains notes taken by Frederick Edwin Atwood (1875-1948) during a course in quantitative chemical analysis (Chemistry 8) at Dartmouth College.
Quinine: two young chemists end a century's search by making drug synthetically from coal tar
Rachel Fuller Brown Letter
One handwritten letter from Rachel Fuller Brown to a woman named Edna, dated April 5th, 1959.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Archival materials 574
- Photographs 111
- Chemistry -- History 65
- Photograph collections 57
- Corporations -- History 47
- Scientific apparatus and instruments 44
- Science -- History 37
- Chemical industry -- History 27
- Slides (photography) 27
- Nobel Prize winners 25
- Science on postage stamps 25
- Postage stamps 24
- Scientists -- Biography 24
- Science -- Societies, etc. -- History 23
- Chemistry, Organic 22
- Chemists 22
- Chemists -- Biography 22
- Chemists -- United States 19
- Mass spectrometry 19
- Notebooks 19
- Photography -- Negatives 18
- Polymers 18
- Videotapes 18
- Chemical industry 17
- Chemistry -- Education 17
- Scientific apparatus and instruments -- History 17
- Chemistry 15
- Clinical chemistry 15
- Dyes and dyeing 15
- Scientific apparatus and instruments industry 14
- Audiocassettes 13
- Chemistry -- Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. 13
- Congresses and conventions 13
- Chemistry -- Societies, etc. 12
- Dyes and Dyeing -- History 12
- Scientists -- Correspondence 12
- CD ROMs 11
- DVDs 11
- Chemical engineering 10
- Chemistry -- Study and teaching 10
- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 9
- Chemists -- Correspondence 9
- Floppy disks 9
- Infrared spectroscopy 9
- Inventors -- United States 9
- Lantern slides 9
- Science -- Social aspects 9
- Chemistry -- Study and teaching (Higher) 8
- Clinical chemistry -- History 8
- Dye industry 8
- Quantum chemistry 8
- Science -- Study and teaching 8
- Transparencies 8
- Chemical engineering -- History 7
- Chemistry -- Societies, etc. -- History 7
- Chemistry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) 7
- Chemistry teachers 7
- Dye industry -- History 7
- Mass spectrometry -- History 7
- Nobel Prizes 7
- Nuclear energy 7
- Nylon 7
- Photograph albums 7
- Publications 7
- Science -- Societies, etc. 7
- Scientists -- United States 7
- Spectrum analysis 7
- African American chemists 6
- Analytical chemistry 6
- Biochemistry 6
- Chemical industry -- United States 6
- Chemistry--Nomenclature 6
- Chemistry--Research 6
- Physics 6
- Silicones 6
- Advertising 5
- Air -- Pollution 5
- Chemical -- Education 5
- Chemical apparatus 5
- Chemical engineers 5
- Chemical industry -- Societies, etc. 5
- Chemical reactions 5
- Drugs 5
- Flavoring essences 5
- Flavoring essences industry 5
- Gas chromatography 5
- Medicine -- History 5
- Periodicals 5
- Plastics 5
- Polymers -- History 5
- Stereochemistry 5
- Technical manuals 5
- Textile fibers, Synthetic 5
- Thermodynamics 5
- Advertisements 4
- Alchemy -- History 4
- Analytical chemistry -- Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. 4
- Chemical elements 4
- Chemical industry -- United States -- History 4
- Chemicals 4 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 640
- German 78
- French 39
- Russian 8
- Spanish; Castilian 8
- Italian 6
- Dutch; Flemish 4
- Japanese 4
- Czech 3
- Hungarian 3
- Afrikaans 2
- Bulgarian 2
- Chinese 2
- Hebrew 2
- Swedish 2
- Arabic 1
- Bosnian 1
- Montenegrin 1
- Greek, Modern (1453-) 1
- Croatian 1
- Korean 1
- Latin 1
- Lithuanian 1
- Macedonian 1
- Multiple languages 1
- Polish 1
- Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 1
- Serbian 1
- Thai 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- American Chemical Society 51
- E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company 18
- Woodward, R.B. (Robert Burns), 1917-1979 15
- Chemists' Club (New York, N.Y.) 14
- United States Postal Service 14
- Perkin-Elmer Corporation 12
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 11
- Beckman Instruments, Inc. 10
- Harvard University. Chemistry Department 10
- Chemical Heritage Foundation 9
- Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 9
- American Institute of Chemists 8
- Dow Chemical Company 8
- National Science Foundation (U.S.) 8
- Bartlett, Paul D. 7
- Chandler, Charles Frederick, 1836-1925 7
- Othmer, Donald F. (Donald Frederick), 1904-1995 7
- Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy 7
- Carothers, Wallace Hume, 1896-1937 6
- Hoffmann, Roald 6
- Manhattan Project (U.S.) 6
- Mark, H. F. (Herman Francis), 1895-1992 6
- Parr, Robert G., 1921-2017 6
- Seaborg, Glenn T. (Glenn Theodore), 1912-1999 6
- American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 5
- Baekeland, L. H. (Leo Hendrik), 1863-1944 5
- Bohning, James J. 5
- Deutsche Bundespost 5
- Flory, Paul J. 5
- General Dyestuff Corporation 5
- General Electric Company 5
- Haynes, Williams, 1886-1970 5
- Julian, Percy Lavon, 1899-1975 5
- Kekulé, August, 1829-1896 5
- Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich, 1834-1907 5
- Pariser, Rudolph, 1923- 5
- Pople, John A., 1925-2004 5
- Stauffer Chemical Company 5
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 5
- Union Carbide Corporation 5
- American Association for the Advancement of Science 4
- American Chemical Society. New York Section 4
- American Cyanamid Company 4
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers 4
- American Society for Mass Spectrometry 4
- American Society for Testing and Materials 4
- Argonne National Laboratory 4
- Bader, Alfred, 1924-2018 4
- Benfey, O. Theodor (Otto Theodor), 1925- 4
- Chemical Bond Approach Project 4
- Curie, Marie, 1867-1934 4
- Dow, Herbert Henry, 1866-1930 4
- Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 4
- Elmer, Charles Wesley, 1872-1954 4
- Gordon Research Conferences 4
- Haber, Fritz, 1868-1934 4
- Hercules Incorporated 4
- Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794 4
- Miller, Foil A. 4
- Nier, Alfred O. (Alfred Otto), 1911-1994 4
- Perkin, Richard Scott, 1906-1969 4
- Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn 4
- Price, Charles C. (Charles Coale), 1913-2001 4
- Rohm and Haas Company 4
- Simon, Myron S. (Sydney), 1926- 4
- Smith, Edgar F. (Edgar Fahs), 1854-1928 4
- Society for Applied Spectroscopy 4
- Varian Associates 4
- Wöhler, Friedrich, 1800-1882 4
- Advisory Council on College Chemistry 3
- American Association for Clinical Chemistry 3
- American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education 3
- American Chemical Society. Division of the History of Chemistry 3
- Bayer Corporation 3
- Beckman Instruments, Inc.. Spinco Division 3
- Beckman, Arnold O. 3
- Berl, Ernst, 1877-1946 3
- Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903 3
- Booth, James Curtis, 1810-1888 3
- Brown, Herbert C. (Herbert Charles), 1912-2004 3
- California Institute of Technology 3
- Center for History of Chemistry (U.S.) 3
- Chemical Education Material Study 3
- Coulson, C. A. (Charles Alfred), 1910-1974 3
- Crawford, Bryce L. 3
- Crompton & Knowles Corporation 3
- Djerassi, Carl 3
- Eastman Kodak Company 3
- Edelstein, Sidney M. 3
- Finnigan Corporation 3
- Heinemann, Heinz, 1913-2005 3
- Herzog, Hershel L. 3
- International Business Machines Corporation 3
- Killeffer, David H. (David Herbert), 1895-1970 3
- Levy, Gabor B., 1913- 3
- Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von, 1803-1873 3
- Little, Arthur D. (Arthur Dehon), 1863-1935 3
- Marvel, Carl Shipp, 1894-1988 3
- Meites, Samuel, 1921- 3
- Mulliken, Robert Sanderson 3 + ∧ less