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Showing Collections: 571 - 580 of 667

The Kir G. Karouna Collection

Identifier: GB00-87

The Kir G. Karouna Collection is a collection of advertising materials generated by the paint and varnish industry.

Dates: 1943-1996

The Marvin Margoshes collection

Identifier: 2006-509

This collection consists of two small collections of printed materials, each dealing with a different aspect of analytical instrumentation.

Dates: 1960-1979

The Neurath Laboratory Collection

Identifier: 2008-060
Scope and Contents For a more detailed inventory, please view this record in our library catalog: are notebooks kept by the postdoctoral researchers of Dr. Hans Neurath, founding chairman of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Washington in Seattle. They concern various aspects of the physical chemistry of proteins. The notebooks are...
Dates: 1947-1974; Majority of material found within 1955-1965

The Nuclide Corporation Archives and The Papers of Leonard F. Herzog

Identifier: 2015-006

Corporate records of American scientific instrument manufacturer Nuclide Corporation and the professional files and personal files of American geophysicist, scientific instrument industry executive, and Nuclide Corporation founder Leonard F. Herzog.

Dates: 1923-2015; Majority of material found within Bulk 1957-2002

The Organosilicon Symposia program and abstracts collection

Identifier: 2008-006
Scope and Contents

For a more detailed inventory, please view this record in our library catalog:

This is a collection of program books with abstracts from the yearly meetings of the self sponsored Organosilicon (to 2004) and Silicon (after 2004) Symposias. Program books for the first three meetings (1967-69) are not included in the collection.

Dates: 1970-2007

The Otto Rohm collection

Identifier: A87-99
Scope and Contents

The ledger contains data kept by one or more Rohm and Haas employees documenting their use of a Haber-Lowe Industrial Interferometer for purposes of quality control. Accompanying the ledger is a folder of material gathered by Raymond C. Ferguson to produce the article "A Pioneering Example of Quality Control. The Rohm and Haas Oropon Interferometer.".

Dates: 1914-1916

The Owens-Illinois Glass Company Kimble Division card collection album

Identifier: GB01-90
Scope and content

The collection represents 50 men and women prominent in the sciences whose ideas changed out world. The cards are numbered, and all of the images are drawings done in light brown against a black and white background and are approximately 2 x 3 inches in size.

Dates: 1979

The Papers of Barbara Hodsdon Ullyot

Identifier: 96-05

This collection is largely comprised of materials relating to the Centennial Celebrations held in honor of the American Chemical Society by which Mrs. Ullyot was employed. There is also some material relating to the educational mission of the ACS. This is a small collection highlighting Barbara H. Ullyot's work with the American Chemical Society.

Dates: 1947-1990

The Papers of Charles M. Judson, incorporating the Papers of Harold F. Wiley and the Records of Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation

Identifier: 2005-007-001

This collection contains professional records of Charles M. Judson, and his former supervisor Harold F. Wiley. Wiley's papers in turn include the surviving business records of the Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation, a leading American manufacturer of mass spectrometers. The material was amassed by Judson for a never-written history of the commercial development of mass spectrometry.

Dates: 1918-2000; Majority of material found within 1940-1980

The Papers of Elmer Otto Kraemer

Identifier: 86-08

These are lectures notes, reprints and page proofs mostly by Elmer O. Kraemer and dealing with colloids and proteins.

Dates: 1925-1941

Filter Results

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Archival materials 574
Photographs 111
Chemistry -- History 65
Photograph collections 57
Corporations -- History 47
∨ more
Scientific apparatus and instruments 44
Science -- History 37
Chemical industry -- History 27
Slides (photography) 27
Nobel Prize winners 25
Science on postage stamps 25
Postage stamps 24
Scientists -- Biography 24
Science -- Societies, etc. -- History 23
Chemistry, Organic 22
Chemists 22
Chemists -- Biography 22
Chemists -- United States 19
Mass spectrometry 19
Notebooks 19
Photography -- Negatives 18
Polymers 18
Videotapes 18
Chemical industry 17
Chemistry -- Education 17
Scientific apparatus and instruments -- History 17
Chemistry 15
Clinical chemistry 15
Dyes and dyeing 15
Scientific apparatus and instruments industry 14
Audiocassettes 13
Chemistry -- Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. 13
Congresses and conventions 13
Chemistry -- Societies, etc. 12
Dyes and Dyeing -- History 12
Scientists -- Correspondence 12
CD ROMs 11
DVDs 11
Chemical engineering 10
Chemistry -- Study and teaching 10
Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 9
Chemists -- Correspondence 9
Floppy disks 9
Infrared spectroscopy 9
Inventors -- United States 9
Lantern slides 9
Science -- Social aspects 9
Chemistry -- Study and teaching (Higher) 8
Clinical chemistry -- History 8
Dye industry 8
Quantum chemistry 8
Science -- Study and teaching 8
Transparencies 8
Chemical engineering -- History 7
Chemistry -- Societies, etc. -- History 7
Chemistry -- Study and teaching (Secondary) 7
Chemistry teachers 7
Dye industry -- History 7
Mass spectrometry -- History 7
Nobel Prizes 7
Nuclear energy 7
Nylon 7
Photograph albums 7
Publications 7
Science -- Societies, etc. 7
Scientists -- United States 7
Spectrum analysis 7
African American chemists 6
Analytical chemistry 6
Biochemistry 6
Chemical industry -- United States 6
Chemistry--Nomenclature 6
Chemistry--Research 6
Physics 6
Silicones 6
Advertising 5
Air -- Pollution 5
Chemical -- Education 5
Chemical apparatus 5
Chemical engineers 5
Chemical industry -- Societies, etc. 5
Chemical reactions 5
Drugs 5
Flavoring essences 5
Flavoring essences industry 5
Gas chromatography 5
Medicine -- History 5
Periodicals 5
Plastics 5
Polymers -- History 5
Stereochemistry 5
Technical manuals 5
Textile fibers, Synthetic 5
Thermodynamics 5
Advertisements 4
Alchemy -- History 4
Analytical chemistry -- Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. 4
Chemical elements 4
Chemical industry -- United States -- History 4
Chemicals 4
+ ∧ less
English 640
German 78
French 39
Russian 8
Spanish; Castilian 8
∨ more  
American Chemical Society 51
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company 18
Woodward, R.B. (Robert Burns), 1917-1979 15
Chemists' Club (New York, N.Y.) 14
United States Postal Service 14
∨ more
Perkin-Elmer Corporation 12
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 11
Beckman Instruments, Inc. 10
Harvard University. Chemistry Department 10
Chemical Heritage Foundation 9
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 9
American Institute of Chemists 8
Dow Chemical Company 8
National Science Foundation (U.S.) 8
Bartlett, Paul D. 7
Chandler, Charles Frederick, 1836-1925 7
Othmer, Donald F. (Donald Frederick), 1904-1995 7
Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy 7
Carothers, Wallace Hume, 1896-1937 6
Hoffmann, Roald 6
Manhattan Project (U.S.) 6
Mark, H. F. (Herman Francis), 1895-1992 6
Parr, Robert G., 1921-2017 6
Seaborg, Glenn T. (Glenn Theodore), 1912-1999 6
American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 5
Baekeland, L. H. (Leo Hendrik), 1863-1944 5
Bohning, James J. 5
Deutsche Bundespost 5
Flory, Paul J. 5
General Dyestuff Corporation 5
General Electric Company 5
Haynes, Williams, 1886-1970 5
Julian, Percy Lavon, 1899-1975 5
Kekulé, August, 1829-1896 5
Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich, 1834-1907 5
Pariser, Rudolph, 1923- 5
Pople, John A., 1925-2004 5
Stauffer Chemical Company 5
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 5
Union Carbide Corporation 5
American Association for the Advancement of Science 4
American Chemical Society. New York Section 4
American Cyanamid Company 4
American Institute of Chemical Engineers 4
American Society for Mass Spectrometry 4
American Society for Testing and Materials 4
Argonne National Laboratory 4
Bader, Alfred, 1924-2018 4
Benfey, O. Theodor (Otto Theodor), 1925- 4
Chemical Bond Approach Project 4
Curie, Marie, 1867-1934 4
Dow, Herbert Henry, 1866-1930 4
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 4
Elmer, Charles Wesley, 1872-1954 4
Gordon Research Conferences 4
Haber, Fritz, 1868-1934 4
Hercules Incorporated 4
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794 4
Miller, Foil A. 4
Nier, Alfred O. (Alfred Otto), 1911-1994 4
Perkin, Richard Scott, 1906-1969 4
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn 4
Price, Charles C. (Charles Coale), 1913-2001 4
Rohm and Haas Company 4
Simon, Myron S. (Sydney), 1926- 4
Smith, Edgar F. (Edgar Fahs), 1854-1928 4
Society for Applied Spectroscopy 4
Varian Associates 4
Wöhler, Friedrich, 1800-1882 4
Advisory Council on College Chemistry 3
American Association for Clinical Chemistry 3
American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education 3
American Chemical Society. Division of the History of Chemistry 3
Bayer Corporation 3
Beckman Instruments, Inc.. Spinco Division 3
Beckman, Arnold O. 3
Berl, Ernst, 1877-1946 3
Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903 3
Booth, James Curtis, 1810-1888 3
Brown, Herbert C. (Herbert Charles), 1912-2004 3
California Institute of Technology 3
Center for History of Chemistry (U.S.) 3
Chemical Education Material Study 3
Coulson, C. A. (Charles Alfred), 1910-1974 3
Crawford, Bryce L. 3
Crompton & Knowles Corporation 3
Djerassi, Carl 3
Eastman Kodak Company 3
Edelstein, Sidney M. 3
Finnigan Corporation 3
Heinemann, Heinz, 1913-2005 3
Herzog, Hershel L. 3
International Business Machines Corporation 3
Killeffer, David H. (David Herbert), 1895-1970 3
Levy, Gabor B., 1913- 3
Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von, 1803-1873 3
Little, Arthur D. (Arthur Dehon), 1863-1935 3
Marvel, Carl Shipp, 1894-1988 3
Meites, Samuel, 1921- 3
Mulliken, Robert Sanderson 3
+ ∧ less